Open the G/L Consolidation Eliminations window.

Shows a consolidated trial balance, which should be used only in consolidated companies that have consolidated entries from business units.

When all the financial data from the business units is imported to the consolidated company, the entries that involve internal transactions among the individual business units must be eliminated. This is done in a general journal.

The report shows a tentative trial balance. That is, the report shows consequences of eliminating entries by comparing entries in the consolidated company with eliminations that are entered in the general journal that they are posted from later.

Before a business unit can be included in the report, it must be set up in the Business Unit table and the Consolidate field must be selected.

Each account appears on a line by itself, following the structure of the chart of accounts. An account is not shown if all the amounts on the line are 0. The following information is shown for each account:


Field Description

Starting Date

Enter the first date in the period from which posted entries in the consolidated company will be shown.

Ending Date

Enter the last date in the period from which posted entries in the consolidated company will be shown.

Business Unit Code

Select the business units to be included in the report.

Journal Template Name

Select the journal template that will be used for the unposted eliminations.

Journal Batch

Select the journal batch that will be used for the unposted eliminations.


Choose whether the amounts are shown as net changes or as balances for the current date.


See Also